How To Memorize Something Fast – Improving Memory – 15 Secrets Of Memorizing

Fitweightlogy Staff

Editor’s name : Fitweightlogy Staff | Uploaded On October 14, 2021

How to memorize something fast

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The secret to memorizing something faster than others is a thing that can help you in life. So, many people can never seem to get anything done no matter how hard they try. It is because they are using their time the wrong way. They are wasting it with things that do not bring them any benefit whatsoever. They are using their brain’s which are good at calculating and organizing, but when it comes to memorizing, they are at a disadvantage. So here are the secrets to remembering things quickly. How to memorize something fast.

Are you familiar with the movie Limitless?

If yes, you may remember from watching the movie the main character finding a pill that allowed him to recall all knowledge and experience whenever he needed it instantly.

It would be awesome if this were real. Our entire lives are spent learning things, but it is impossible to know everything because many things are forgotten. What is the reason for this? Is there a way we could remember things more effectively? This article explains how to memorize words and a formula for retrieving any information from your memory.

Let’s begin by talking about why people forget certain things. This is because a lot of things are stored in your mind, and it has limited space.

Most of us tend to forget things and be unable to retrieve anything at all from long ago because most of us live in a state of daydreaming. It means that we live in a dream state, and our brain is constantly in the form of active imagination. However, unlike a person who is awake and taking in the world around them in their physical senses, a person in their state of daydreaming does not intend to touch or hear. Instead, they exist in a place where they think the action or feeling occurs and are not experiencing it. Because of this, if they tried to retrieve something from long ago, it would likely have been lost forever because their brain would have no memory of it.

A lot of us forget things because we live in a state of constant daydreaming. The issue with this is that the more you imagine something, the less likely you will experience it. For example, if you are planning to go somewhere and feel like you’re just making up your mind, you are much more likely to forget things than you are actually to make them. This same principle applies to everyday life as well. Most of us have days where we don’t remember much of anything because we are in a state of extreme daydreaming and have forgotten what we were supposed to be doing or where we were supposed to be going.

We tend to forget things because our memories are not encoded in our brains correctly. Because everything that we remember is stored in our brain, our memory is useless if we cannot correctly encode it in our brain. However, because all of the information we encounter in our daily lives is stored physically in our brain, it will not get remembered if our brain cannot correctly encode it.

The problem is that the more you think about something, the more it gets stored in your brain, but the more you forget about it, the more it’s going to be there. The more we’re stressed out, the more we forget things because our brain works overtime to piece together the puzzle pieces that we can’t remember anymore.

You may recall that Sherlock Holmes could not name every planet in the solar system. But, of course, there wasn’t something wrong with him; he didn’t remember such irrelevant information because he was too smart to go by such unimportant memories.

Attempting to memorize something by force will not work here because your brain cannot make sense of the information and form associations quickly. Ideally, it would be best if you learned things for the right reasons.

What is the best way to memorize something quickly? In the first situation, you have to master the information very quickly, using it once and then forgetting most of it. That sounds like studying for an exam. Perhaps you’ve had to learn for an exam in a hurry one night before the test.

The following are tips for memorizing quickly:

  1. Please review the information immediately after it has been learned
  2. Repetition two should follow 15 to 20 minutes after the first. Between repetitions, you don’t need to go back to the information. Just rest and do something else; your brain will need a break.
  3. Review the learning material for the third time after about six to eight hours.
  4. Following the first contact with the information, the final repetition should occur 24 hours later.

What is the best method for memorizing something for an extended period? It is essential to extend the memorization period if you intend to remember things for a long time. The plan below will help you memorize things well.

  1. It is essential to repeat the first repetition as soon as you learn it, as we did with the prior technique.
  2. After 20 to 30 minutes, repeat the material and observe the differences.
  3. Repetition three should only be done after a day.
  4. The next one will follow in two or three weeks after the last one
  5. After two to three months, the fifth and final round will take place.

In this way, you can learn something over a long time, as the brain interprets the return to information as confirmation that the data is essential so it does not get lost.

Listed below are fifteen simple tips for memorizing things more efficiently and faster.

Memorize 1 – Take The Time To Understand What You Are Learning

How to memorize something fast- Take The Time to understand what you're learning

Whenever you are learning something but do not understand the information, you probably know how frustrating that can be. In such circumstances, learning can often turn into a nightmare, as it resembles learning a poem without Arai. In addition to not understanding something at first, learning something you don’t understand makes it difficult to continue because you only memorize the order of words, not their meaning. Because of this, we recommend against doing it this way.

To determine the main point or points, you are advised to read the entire piece of information. Then, do your best to retell what you read in your own words simply and straightforwardly; if you can do this, then you have understood the material and will now have a much easier time remembering it.

2 – Obtain The Most Pertinent Information

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, set your priorities to decide what you need to know and what you can leave out. Then concentrate on memorizing the essential parts. The less important information can be dealt with if you have time.

3 – The Effect Of Serial Position

Cheerios are not positioned on the right side when placed this way. The things at the start and end of learning something new become most ingrained in your memory. You can take advantage of this outcome by sorting the information so that the most critical points appear at the beginning and the end.

4 – Interference Theory

As you move between one activity and another, keep switching your focus. Imagine you are preparing for a public presentation. You have studied the text for 15 minutes; it is now time for a break. When attention is peaking 15 to 20 minutes into the session, you should rest because people usually stop being attentive during this time. If you are having trouble switching to something different, try playing the guitar or watching Brightside videos.

Learning some similar information is also something you should keep in mind. The theory of interference states that similar memories can be confused and can cause problems. Therefore, it is recommended that you take an extended break before starting something new if you know that you are about to learn something that looks at least somewhat like what you already know.

5 – Learn Opposite Things

How to memorize something quickly - Learn opposite things

Having opposites in pairs makes it easy to remember them. If you’re taking a language class, you should memorize everything day and night. So that if you forget one of them, you can recall the other if you build a mental connection between them in your head.

Memorize 6 – Create A Mental Palace For Yourself

Again, we’re discussing Sherlock Holmes. Whenever he searched for information, he could spend hours in his mind palace. Essentially, you are trying to connect the things you are learning to a specific location. For example, you could try to relate the item you are learning to something in your room as an example. Afterward, repeat it a few times that to recollect how the room looks in your mind. Repeat the lessons you learned this way or try this; break up all the material into smaller parts, so it is easier to remember.

Learning these parts in the different rooms of your apartment or, better yet, in various districts of your city will not become a dull experience. On the contrary, you will probably also associate it with other memories, smells, people you witnessed there, etc.

You can gain more information on creating memory palaces by watching Joshua Foer’s TED talk of 2006.

7- Maintain An Active Schedule

Keeping your schedule hectic can keep your memory of episodic events sharp. A study found that busy schedules are associated with better cognition. This study was, however, self-reported, so its findings cannot be generalized.

8 – Use Nail Words

With this technique, one learns something and then nails it to something else. Depending on what you need to memorize, you may also need to look up what wall hammer means or other terms that logically relate to nail.

9 – Record Everything Using A Tape Recorder

How to memorize things fast - Record everything using a tape recorder

Is anybody still using tape recorders these days? It might take a few times for you to get used to the sound of your voice. So record the information somehow and listen to it a few times. The sound may be strange or even uncomfortable at first.

The advantage of using this method initially is that it can be utilized for multiple memory tasks. The first way you learn information is by reading it to see it, and the second way is by hearing it; the more contact you have with what you are learning, the easier it will be to learn.

Memorize 10 – Stay Organized

A person who is organized is more likely to remember things. Using checklists is a great organization technique. You are also more likely to remember what you write down if you write it down (instead of doing it electronically).

11 – Handle Stress Effectively

Cortisol, a stress hormone, is released by the body when you’re stressed. Several studies have shown that cortisol affects the brain’s memory function, particularly long-term memory retrieval. Even studies on animals have demonstrated that depression and stress cause the brain to shrink.

Memorize 12 – Make Up Stories

Put the information you need to memorize into a story if you want to remember it in a particular order. In order to avoid forgetting something, each piece has to have a plot so that, even if you make a mistake, you can always recall what should have happened next. The effort may seem more than you can handle, but it works wonders.

13 – Use Quality Materials.

Learn what you need to know today, not what you learned in the past. Don’t rely on outdated books and methods for learning. Avoid wasting time on things that could prove incorrect. Research the topic online for the latest updates.

14 –  Visualize

How to memorize something quickly - How to visualize

You will trigger your muscle memory by using your body language when learning. When learning how to memorize things by visualizing them, one of the most important things you should remember is staying focused and not trying to do too much at once. If you begin to lose concentration, you will lose the ability to learn fast, and you won’t learn anything at all.

This is why it is crucial to be as focused as possible and remember to memorize things by visualizing them. You want to take in the information and memorize it in your mind as quickly as possible to get it down. If you don’t focus on what you are trying to memorize and do more than you can, you won’t learn anything, period.

Memorize 15- Before Bedtime, Avoid Bright-Screens

Inhibiting the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm), is one of the side effects of blue light emitted by televisions, cell phones, and computer screens. The quality of sleep is adversely affected by a poorly regulated sleep cycle.

Whenever we don’t rest and sleep enough, the neurons in our brain become tired and overworked. As a result, they can no longer coordinate information, which makes memories harder to access. So allow your brain to relax an hour before bedtime by turning off electronic devices.


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